Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Good, the Bad, and the Curious (Links!)

For all of you in academia out there, happy summer break! I hope it is full of relaxation, sunshine, and fun. Mine is full of teaching summer classes and studying for PhD exams, but I foresee some sun and fun as well, so I'm happy.

Here's what I've been reading lately that made me smile (The Good), cry (The Bad), and think (The Curious). Please add anything you've been reading (or writing) in the comments!

The Good

Here is a baby elephant playing in the ocean. What more do you need in life?

This victim of the Oklahoma tornadoes finds her dog under the debris while doing a news interview. 

This woman wrote a wonderful letter and posed for a gorgeous photo shoot to demonstrate to Abercrombie and Fitch CEO that her plus-size body can still fit in his clothes and that she looks damn good while doing it. 

The Bad

This EcoSalon article takes on the Merida makeover and talks about what we mean when we say raising boys is easier than raising girls. 

I have some friends who read this story from the "better safe than sorry camp," but I would be so, so, so  mad if someone called the police on me for kidnapping my daughter just because her skin is darker than mine. 

The Curious

Turns out that Dove's "you're more beautiful than you think" campaign is not only problematic when it comes to how we privilege beauty, it's also untrue

White Mom Blog (who I recently discovered, and who you should add to your blogroll immediately) writes about her experience with 100 Days of Real Food (another blog I follow and enjoy). Her Facebook comments calling the privilege involved in judging other parents' food choices was deleted and got her banned. I am all about increasing the access to healthy food, but denying privilege and ignoring race and class isn't going to get us there.

Huffington Post took some guesses at what major brands are secretly hiding behind Trader Joe's labels.

Our society is so obsessed with eliminating fat that we start when people are infants. This is why body-positive parenting has to start young.

This woman demonstrates how the weight she feels is healthiest on her body is still considered overweight by the BMI charts. What are we really doing to ourselves when we make size the only measure of health?

And seriously, what is it about boobs?

There's a caped thong-wearing man on a motorcycle in Wisconsin, and he is free to ride on

1 comment:

  1. You've given me lots of reading to do. Thanks for the boob shout out, too. :)
