Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Curious (Links!)

Hey! Guess what?! I'm defending my dissertation next Monday! And then maybe I can write here again with something like regularity! I don't know if there's anyone left reading, and I don't blame you because I've been completely sporadic and disconnected, but I hope you're still around. In the meantime, here's what I've been reading that made me smile (The Good), cry (The Bad), and think (The Curious).

The Good

I am almost embarrassed to tell you how excited new of the Gilmore Girls revival has made me. But I'm really excited.

Hey! The St. Louis Gatekeepers won the MRDA world championship!


When commitment pays off...
Posted by Extreme on Sunday, July 19, 2015

You've got to watch this cat play Jenga, and you have to watch all the way to the end:

Jenga cat!Disturb Reality
Posted by Disturb Reality on Monday, April 27, 2015

The Bad

Maybe it's just a defense mechanism rooted in naivety, but I tend to believe that public figures who do really reprehensible things are performance artists trying to teach us a lesson. I'm only half kidding when I say that I think that's the case with Martin Shkreli.

This story about a police officer accidentally shooting a four-year-old and then not even staying around to check on her made my blood boil.

The Curious

This post about a speaker who was asked to remove her baby from a women's empowerment conference sparked some interesting debate (and also some really horrible, one-dimensional yelling) about the intersections of motherhood, feminism, and professionalism.

How do you protest open carry guns on campus? If you're in Texas, you do it with sex toys.

What's the connection between masculinity and mass shootings? This article makes a pretty convincing argument that it's a deep one.

This article points to a sexist (and ridiculously obvious) flaw in how we measure marriage statistics.

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